Unveiling the Tapestry of Child Poverty Across America


The Challenge

The impact of poverty on children reverberates through society, shaping their well-being and society's future. Evaluating indices offers a window into policy effectiveness, enabling the improvement of living conditions, breaking the cycle of intergenerational poverty, addressing inequalities, and fostering healthy human development.

Using the power of Tableau, I embarked on a journey to unravel the intricate layers of data, portraying changes in child poverty rates across U.S. states and territories every five years between 2004 and 2019.

The Context

Child poverty encompasses children under 18 in families earning below the federal poverty level. This definition hinges on thresholds tied to family size and composition. As of 2021, a family of two adults and two children had a poverty threshold of $27,479.

Leveraging data from the U.S. Census Bureau, my aim was to provide a compelling visualization highlighting states grappling with alarming child poverty rates and those witnessing deterioration, all with the aspiration of driving policy initiatives.

The Findings

A Geographical Tapestry

A glance at the visual map vividly demonstrates the South and Midwest's profound child poverty struggle. This map speaks volumes about the regional disparities in the U.S. child poverty landscape.

Temporal Shifts:

From 2004 to 2014, the child poverty scenario worsened across the country. However, a silver lining emerged in 2019, as a reduction in child poverty rates painted a hopeful picture for the future.

For a more detailed view of the visualization, click on the "Full Screen" option.

The story of child poverty in the U.S. states unfolds through compelling visualizations. By understanding the nuances of this issue, we can collectively forge policies that uplift the lives of children, ensuring a brighter future for generations to come.

Source: Annie E. Casey Foundation. (n.d.). Child poverty statistics in the U.S. https://datacenter.aecf.org/data/tables/43-children-in-poverty#detailed/1/any/false/2048,1729,37,871,870,573,869,36,868,867/any/321,322